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Fleet Context Embeddings - Building a Hybrid Search Engine for the Llamaindex Library#

In this guide, we will be using Fleet Context to download the embeddings for LlamaIndex's documentation and build a hybrid dense/sparse vector retrieval engine on top of it.


!pip install llama-index
!pip install --upgrade fleet-context
import os
import openai

os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = "sk-..." # add your API key here!
openai.api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]

Download Embeddings from Fleet Context#

We will be using Fleet Context to download the embeddings for the entirety of LlamaIndex\'s documentation (\~12k chunks, \~100mb of content). You can download for any of the top 1220 libraries by specifying the library name as a parameter. You can view the full list of supported libraries here at the bottom of the page.

We do this because Fleet has built a embeddings pipeline that preserves a lot of important information that will make the retrieval and generation better including position on page (for re-ranking), chunk type (class/function/attribute/etc), the parent section, and more. You can read more about this on their Github page.

from context import download_embeddings

df = download_embeddings("llamaindex")


    100%|██████████| 83.7M/83.7M [00:03<00:00, 27.4MiB/s]
                                         id  \
    0  e268e2a1-9193-4e7b-bb9b-7a4cb88fc735
    1  e495514b-1378-4696-aaf9-44af948de1a1
    2  e804f616-7db0-4455-9a06-49dd275f3139
    3  eb85c854-78f1-4116-ae08-53b2a2a9fa41
    4  edfc116e-cf58-4118-bad4-c4bc0ca1495e
# Show some examples of the metadata


classmethod from_dict(data: Dict[str, Any], kwargs: Any)  Self classmethod from_json(data_str: str, kwargs: Any)  Self classmethod from_orm(obj: Any)  Model json(, include: Optional[Union[AbstractSetIntStr, MappingIntStrAny]] = None, exclude: Optional[Union[AbstractSetIntStr, MappingIntStrAny]] = None, by_alias: bool = False, skip_defaults: Optional[bool] = None, exclude_unset: bool = False, exclude_defaults: bool = False, exclude_none: bool = False, encoder: Optional[Callable[[Any], Any]] = None, models_as_dict: bool = True*, dumps_kwargs: Any)  unicode Generate a JSON representation of the model, include and exclude arguments as per dict().

Create Pinecone Index for Hybrid Search in LlamaIndex#

We\'re going to create a Pinecone index and upsert our vectors there so that we can do hybrid retrieval with both sparse vectors and dense vectors. Make sure you have a Pinecone account before you proceed.

import logging
import sys

logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.INFO)
logging.getLogger().handlers = []
import pinecone

api_key = "..."  # Add your Pinecone API key here
    api_key=api_key, environment="us-east-1-aws"
)  # Add your db region here
# Fleet Context uses the text-embedding-ada-002 model from OpenAI with 1536 dimensions.

# NOTE: Pinecone requires dotproduct similarity for hybrid search

)  # Make sure you create an index in pinecone

from llama_index.vector_stores.pinecone import PineconeVectorStore

pinecone_index = pinecone.Index("quickstart-fleet-context")
vector_store = PineconeVectorStore(pinecone_index, add_sparse_vector=True)

Batch upsert vectors into Pinecone#

Pinecone recommends upserting 100 vectors at a time. We\'re going to do that after we modify the format of the data a bit.

import random
import itertools

def chunks(iterable, batch_size=100):
    """A helper function to break an iterable into chunks of size batch_size."""
    it = iter(iterable)
    chunk = tuple(itertools.islice(it, batch_size))
    while chunk:
        yield chunk
        chunk = tuple(itertools.islice(it, batch_size))

# generator that generates many (id, vector, metadata, sparse_values) pairs
data_generator = map(
    lambda row: {
        "id": row[1]["id"],
        "values": row[1]["values"],
        "metadata": row[1]["metadata"],
        "sparse_values": row[1]["sparse_values"],

# Upsert data with 1000 vectors per upsert request
for ids_vectors_chunk in chunks(data_generator, batch_size=100):
    print(f"Upserting {len(ids_vectors_chunk)} vectors...")

Build Pinecone Vector Store in LlamaIndex#

Finally, we\'re going to build the Pinecone vector store via LlamaIndex and query it to get results.

from llama_index.core import VectorStoreIndex
from IPython.display import Markdown, display
index = VectorStoreIndex.from_vector_store(vector_store=vector_store)

Query Your Index!#

query_engine = index.as_query_engine(
    vector_store_query_mode="hybrid", similarity_top_k=8
response = query_engine.query("How do I use llama_index SimpleDirectoryReader")


<b>To use the SimpleDirectoryReader in llama_index, you need to import it from the llama_index library. Once imported, you can create an instance of the SimpleDirectoryReader class by providing the directory path as an argument. Then, you can use the `load_data()` method on the SimpleDirectoryReader instance to load the documents from the specified directory.</b>