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In this short notebook, we show how to use the PaLM LLM from Google in LlamaIndex:

We use the text-bison-001 model by default.


If you’re opening this Notebook on colab, you will probably need to install LlamaIndex 🦙.

%pip install llama-index-llms-palm
!pip install llama-index
!pip install -q google-generativeai
[notice] A new release of pip available: 22.3.1 -> 23.1.2
[notice] To update, run: pip install --upgrade pip
import pprint
import google.generativeai as palm
palm_api_key = ""

Define Model#

models = [
    for m in palm.list_models()
    if "generateText" in m.supported_generation_methods
model = models[0].name

Start using our PaLM LLM abstraction!#

from llama_index.llms.palm import PaLM

model = PaLM(api_key=palm_api_key)
CompletionResponse(text='1 house has 3 cats * 4 mittens / cat = 12 mittens.\n3 houses have 12 mittens / house * 3 houses = 36 mittens.\n1 hat needs 4m of yarn. 36 hats need 4m / hat * 36 hats = 144m of yarn.\n1 mitten needs 7m of yarn. 36 mittens need 7m / mitten * 36 mittens = 252m of yarn.\nIn total 144m of yarn was needed for hats and 252m of yarn was needed for mittens, so 144m + 252m = 396m of yarn was needed.\n\nThe answer: 396', additional_kwargs={}, raw={'output': '1 house has 3 cats * 4 mittens / cat = 12 mittens.\n3 houses have 12 mittens / house * 3 houses = 36 mittens.\n1 hat needs 4m of yarn. 36 hats need 4m / hat * 36 hats = 144m of yarn.\n1 mitten needs 7m of yarn. 36 mittens need 7m / mitten * 36 mittens = 252m of yarn.\nIn total 144m of yarn was needed for hats and 252m of yarn was needed for mittens, so 144m + 252m = 396m of yarn was needed.\n\nThe answer: 396', 'safety_ratings': [{'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DEROGATORY: 1>, 'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>}, {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_TOXICITY: 2>, 'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>}, {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_VIOLENCE: 3>, 'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>}, {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_SEXUAL: 4>, 'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>}, {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_MEDICAL: 5>, 'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>}, {'category': <HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_DANGEROUS: 6>, 'probability': <HarmProbability.NEGLIGIBLE: 1>}]}, delta=None)