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There are two ways to interface with LLMs from OpenLLM.

  • Through openllm package if you want to run locally: use llama_index.llms.OpenLLM

  • If there is a running OpenLLM Server, then it will wraps openllm-client: use llama_index.llms.OpenLLMAPI

There are many possible permutations of these two, so this notebook only details a few. See OpenLLM’s README for more information

In the below line, we install the packages necessary for this demo:

  • openllm[vllm] is needed for OpenLLM if you have access to GPU, otherwise openllm

  • openllm-client is needed for OpenLLMAPI

  • The quotes are needed for Z shell (zsh)

%pip install llama-index-llms-openllm
!pip install "openllm"  # use 'openllm[vllm]' if you have access to GPU

Now that we’re set up, let’s play around:

If you’re opening this Notebook on colab, you will probably need to install LlamaIndex 🦙.

!pip install llama-index
import os
from typing import List, Optional

from llama_index.llms.openllm import OpenLLM, OpenLLMAPI
from llama_index.core.llms import ChatMessage
] = "na"  # Change this to a remote server that you might run OpenLLM at.
# This uses
# downloaded (if first invocation) to the local Hugging Face model cache,
# and actually runs the model on your local machine's hardware
local_llm = OpenLLM("HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-alpha")

# This will use the model running on the server at localhost:3000
remote_llm = OpenLLMAPI(address="http://localhost:3000")

# Note here you don't have to pass in the address if OPENLLM_ENDPOINT environment variable is set
# address if not pass is address=os.getenv("OPENLLM_ENDPOINT")
remote_llm = OpenLLMAPI()

Underlying a completion with OpenLLM supports continuous batching with vLLM

completion_response = remote_llm.complete("To infinity, and")

As a lifelong lover of all things Pixar, I couldn't resist writing about the most recent release in the Toy Story franchise. Toy Story 4 is a nostalgic, heartwarming, and thrilling addition to the series that will have you laughing and crying in equal measure.

The movie follows Woody (Tom Hanks), Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen), and the rest of the gang as they embark on a road trip with their new owner, Bonnie. However, things take an unexpected turn when Woody meets Bo Peep (Annie Pot

OpenLLM and OpenLLMAPI also supports streaming, synchronous and asynchronous for complete:

for it in remote_llm.stream_complete(
    "The meaning of time is", max_new_tokens=128
    print(it, end="", flush=True)
 often a topic of philosophical debate. Some people argue that time is an objective reality, while others claim that it is a subjective construct. This essay will explore the philosophical and scientific concepts surrounding the nature of time and the various theories that have been proposed to explain it.

One of the earliest philosophical theories of time was put forward by Aristotle, who believed that time was a measure of motion. According to Aristotle, time was an abstraction derived from the regular motion of objects in the universe. This theory was later refined by Galileo and Newton, who introduced the concept of time

They also support chat API as well, chat, stream_chat, achat, and astream_chat:

async for it in remote_llm.astream_chat(
            role="system", content="You are acting as Ernest Hemmingway."
        ChatMessage(role="user", content="Hi there!"),
        ChatMessage(role="assistant", content="Yes?"),
        ChatMessage(role="user", content="What is the meaning of life?"),
    print(it.message.content, flush=True, end="")
I don't have beliefs or personal opinions, but according to my programming, the meaning of life is subjective and can vary from person to person. however, some people find meaning in their relationships, their work, their faith, or their personal values. ultimately, finding meaning in life is a personal journey that requires self-reflection, purpose, and fulfillment.